As you are purchasing a used one that was been brought by some other people so you have to transfer all the documents regarding the car and you have to change it On your name before paying the full amount. Why doing so you can understand about the status of the car and you can also find out whether there are any chalans or any cases that are filed on that car and if you found such things before giving the money also ask them to clear all the dues otherwise you better go for the another car. Purchasing old car is a best option but purchasing 2 old is not advisable because you cannot expect the life of that car for so long as it is been running since so many years so it is better to take the advice from used cars in el cajon where they will help you to judge whether you can buy that particular car or not.
With the explanation that was given by them if you are satisfied and if you found that the car can be worthy you can go ahead with the transaction and please check by driving the car once paying the money as though they will tell about the condition of the curve but if you ride on it then you can easily understand the condition of the curve and if you are OK with that then only go ahead with the transaction. check this out These important things before purchasing itself because once after the purchase those people would not accept their mistakes and you have to bare all the laws that would happen so it is better to completely check all the things and once you get clear from your side then only go ahead. you have to purchase the car in such a way that it has to be best suitable for your family so that it has to serve all the purposes otherwise never waste money on the car that is not suitable for you and your family. It has to be in such a way that everyone can able to operate the car so that anyone can drive the car and it will be very helpful when you went to the long drive with your family so that the driving can be shared evenly all the members so that all people get relax while driving.